Thursday, January 22, 2009


Rumor has it that Carver was a lowly Navy cook before jumping ship and living the pirate life. Carver himself started that rumor. Truth is, until recently he was an assassin for the East India Trading Company's elite Blake Guard brigade. Carver's real name is JAMES PIDGLEY and his talent for subterfuge and deception landed him the choicest assignments until Carver overheard a conversation between Lord Beckett and the Royal Navy's Admiral Simon. It was not intended for his ears and when they discovered it, Carver was a marked man. He fled for his life as Simon and Beckett organized a massive manhunt to return him, dead or alive. Somehow, Carver evaded them and is still among the living. Since that fateful day Carver's been laying low in the only place he figured to go unnoticed and unquestioned - Tortuga. Before Carver will join Jack's crew, you have to help him eliminate the paper trail that could lead to his unpleasant demise …

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