Thursday, January 22, 2009


Giladoga is a nickname given him by Captain Jack, who when they first met, was too full of grog to pronounce his given name, Gil Derga. Giladoga's a pirate with plenty of nautical miles his belt. He has seen it all, done it all, and fought them all. To him, it's not about pillaging and plundering anymore -- it's about his personal obsession - finding the final resting place of his hero, the notorious pirate of old, Will Parker.Ole Will Parker's the reason Giladoga became a buccaneer. Will Parker's crucial role in the raid on Cadiz, Spain, led by Sir Francis Drake himself, made Parker a pirate among pirates. He sailed away a rich man, and hadn't much need for pirating after that. Will Parker lived like a King and did as he pleased which is what most pirates want, being the lazy folks they are. Finding the location of Parker's final resting place is what motivates Giladoga. Some says it was in Java, others say it's a remote island off the coast of Africa. But there's a hint on a soiled old map in Giladoga's possession suggesting Parker's bone are buried on Tortuga. You've got to help Giladoga find his hero's grave, or he'll never return to Jack's crew.

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