Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dr. Grogan (Doc Grog)

Dr. Grogan was once a surgeon of distinction who served in the Royal Navy. That was before he took to drinkin'. He got his nickname for being - as you can imagine - so full of grog that he amputated the wrong leg of an able bodied First Mate. Justice demanded he either hang from the yardarms or take his chances with the sharks and jump ship on the high sea. He took the second. On the verge of drowning, Doc Grog was rescued by the Black Pearl and given passage to Tortuga. Indebted to Captain Jack, he's still not inclined to join his or any other pirate crew for that matter. Ya see, Doc Grog gets seasick and wants no part of pirating life. But he does have someone who might take his place …To make ends meet, Doc took on a boarder, a pirate and self-taught surgeon named, Le Cerdo. But the man can't pay his rent and he's eating Doc out of house and home! You must help Doc find some herbs for his medicine and maybe, he'll tell you how to woe Cerdo onto the Black Pearl. Or perhaps, the cagey ole Doc will give you a potion that will knock Le Cerdo out long enough to Shanghai him into service. Either way, Captain Jack will get his surgeon.

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